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Can someone take me under their wing?


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
Hi guys

I bought my Spark when they first came out.
Living near London and the Royal Parks was always a bind with geo-fencing etc - so it restricted locally where I could go.
After a year of having it, it did a firmware update and ever since then my little spark hasn't been 'right' - within a metre it says lost connectivity and turns B&W on screen. Freaks me out.

I flew a few times - but i'm always really scared to let it out of my sight or over water.
It's been in it's case for months now, but I took it out today and it still has same issues - I want to learn and what to fly more but need a support buddy! Anyone near Wiltshire?

I want to get out more as I have now moved to the countryside, but still nervous.

Welcome to the forum Mike.
Hopefully someone around Wiltshire can give you some local guidance on the Spark issues.
Not normal, though I haven't done an update recently.

Enjoy the Spark when it gets back to its normal self, and your new location, sounds great for drone flights.
Hello from the Hoosier Heartland mikebray.

Nice to meet you Mike. 🤝

Hopefully you'll get flying buddy.

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:
Welcome and so sorry to hear about your woes. This Forum will get you up and running with advice here. Someone will see it. Although just “down the road” in Bristol I don’t have the expertise to advise. Sorry but you’ll be up and at it soon.
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This sounds similar (yet, not as bad as your's) to my original experiences with my Spark. As you, we also resort under EU-rules as far as power transmission of the controller is concerned, which is VERY restrictive, only giving you a limited range to fly. This was all solved for me after changing to the DJI GO 4 MOD 2.0 (or TSS V2) modified FCC software.
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have not had your issues with my Spark, but here a a few things I would try.
🔋Did you also update the controller and batteries?
💻You can also downgrade the firmware and see if it makes a difference with your issues.
💾Uninstall/reinstall DJI Go software
✅ do a pre-flight inspection
🔌Use an OTG cable (must be OTG rated...any old cable won't do)
😬Every time I take my drones out for their exercise, I go with a realization that there's a possibility that I will go home without it for a multitude of reasons
Embrace it and when they do come back, consider it a bonus
😢One day, if they do run away, never to be seen again, think of it as an opportunity to upgrade while helping out fellow Sparkies with your left over gear (maybe make a few bux toward your new drone} .
📱Try something different for your monitor. I use my old pixel 3 pared down to just flying apps and nothing else
📡Make sure bluetooth and wi fi are shut off on any near by electronics, including the one you are using to fly (IF using an OTG).
🌊Vast majority of my flying is over water. Stay at least minimum 20 t0 30 feet above as it can mess with sensors. Now that you're out in the country, just practice going farther and farther out until your confidence builds. Water shouldn't be much of a issue
🛰️MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SATELLITES BEFORE YOU TAKE OFF and your home point is correct
🎺even with VLOS, you can lose sight of your drone in the sky. practice instrument flying
🏠RTH is a great friend, but I only use it sparingly
🌲Trees are bad
🙄Most of the disasters reported here and other forums boil down to pilot error. Reading the forum here helps you prepare for situations that may pop up and how to deal with them. ATTI mode is a good example
📖read the manual and 📼watch the videos

Happy flying :)🛩️
Thanks guys!

I've been in open fields and been near my house, but same experience.

However, today I took out by my parents house. I bought one of those cables, but it didn't work.
What do I need to do to use it? I. E what's the order for switching on and plugging in?

I downloaded a side install version of dji but it said my android system was too updated to run that old app. Bugger.

Seemed to work better today overall but I did occasionally get a transmission weak warning.

Can't wait to get out there.

Are you positive it's an OTG cable? Non-OTG will fit but will not work as an OTG
You must enable debugging in android...it's easy google it.
Connect the cable to the R/C & phone, phone should be on, R/C off.
Turn on the drone
After it does it's self check, turn on the R/C
DJI Go should fire up automatically, do it's version check, and you're good to fly
When connected properly, R/C unit will charge the phone/tab
If phone/tab is charging the R/C unit, cable, the connections are reversed
That's the order I do it in. Works every time
OK two weeks later.

I didn't notice a huge amount of difference to it bing wireless or plugged in. The important thing was I didn't lose it!

Managed to have about 30 mins flight time overall, gave me a bit more confidence.

I fancy trying to capture one of those nice pink autumn sunsets next!

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