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Sale Value of DJI Spark?


Jul 6, 2022
Houston, Texas
Folks, When I look at Spark prices on eBay, Amazon, etc, I see that prices are all over the map. Nobody in their right mind is going to pay $750 for a new Spark in this day and age. Then, I've seen Spark's for sale for $200 with no batteries, what with purchase of a battery from the DJI store, the cost for a flyable drone alone would be around $260.

I am toying with the idea of selling mine but I don't know what price to put on it that is fair to both buyer and seller, and thus, I ask for your advice.

I've got a Spark that is virtually brand new, a replacement under the crash insurance program that has flown for maybe 30 minutes total time. It's in like new condition. It comes with the original remote controller.

I have purchased two OEM batteries from the DJI store. One has been charged and never flown, the other has flown for one or two cycles.

I've got the multi battery charger, as this one at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/RC-GearPro-Parallel-Charging-Compatible/dp/B07GR2Z5VQ/ref=sr_1_14?

And then, I've got spare props, prop guards, and the original mint Spark case.

I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have as a starting point to sell this drone.
Interested to see the responses. Mine is a much loved and well flown craft but it doesn’t see the light of day these days. Will probably hang onto it in case my MA2 does something untoward!
Back when I first considered buying a drone, I monitored ebay on a regular basis to see what was being asked for Sparks versus what they actually sold for. Obviously you have to consider an apples-to-apples comparison as one would not reasonably expect the cost of a basis drone would be the same as a well complemented kit.
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I've got basically the same package plus probably a bit more and I've considered selling mine however the prices there going for about £200-250 if your lucky doesn't appeal to me, too much loss involved, I'm keeping mine even if it gets used one a year.
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I've got basically the same package plus probably a bit more and I've considered selling mine however the prices there going for about £200-250 if your lucky doesn't appeal to me, too much loss involved, I'm keeping mine even if it gets used one a year.
With you on this Brian.
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I've got basically the same package plus probably a bit more and I've considered selling mine however the prices there going for about £200-250 if your lucky doesn't appeal to me, too much loss involved, I'm keeping mine even if it gets used one a year.
Thank you for this. I also posted on a FB DJI drone group and got pretty much the same answer... $250.
I have sold a lot of Sparks in two months in Italy.
The average price was EUR 160 each with a battery and remote control.
130 without remote.
100 only Spark.
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Thank you for this. It suggests that with an extra battery and charger, $200 to $250 is about right.
Yes, if you are talking about the Charging Hub.
It's the "right price" but not the price that normally people want to spend for a Spark.

That's why I sell parts separately.
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